1955: Founding of the Provinciale Technische School voor Ambachtelijke Kunsten en Bouwkundig Tekenen. The first teachers were friars from Sint-Lucas Gent, leading to the school being popularly known as ‘Saint Lucas’, even though that was not its official name.
1958: Provinciaal Hoger Instituut voor Architectuur en Toegepaste Kunsten: higher-education departments added.
1970: Provinciaal Hoger Instituut voor Kunstonderwijs: the departments of Architecture and Higher Interior Arts split off.
1995: PHL-Departement Beeldende Kunsten: Visual Arts higher education incorporated.
A Nursing department is added to secondary art education, resulting in the Provinciale Secundaire School Hasselt, Kunst en Verpleegkunde, with a department of Arts (PIKOH) and a department of Nursing (PIVH). Its current name is Provinciale Kunsthumaniora Hasselt – PIKOH.