Dries Depoorter
Dries Depoorter is a media artist and a freelance digital creative, living online in Belgium. He has a background in electronics and has studied Media Arts in Ghent. Most of his work is about the internet, privacy, online identity and surveillance. Dries has conducted privacy experiments around himself: ‘24hsoundwave’, ‘Here’, ‘Screenshot a day’, and ‘Copy-memory’, in which he shares sensitive information about himself for a certain length of time. He also has investigated the privacy of others in projects such as ‘Trojan Offices’, ‘Sheriff Software’, ‘TinderIn’, ‘Seattle Crime Cams’, and ‘Jaywalking’. Assembling, sharing and experimenting with private data about himself and random people found on the internet, young artist tackles in a thought-provoking and often amusing way such issues as social identity, big data sharing, encryption and (the lack of) protection of our online privacy.Dries is a Laureate of Toegepast 21.