Wanderful Loves
From April 17 to 22, 2018, Z33 takes ‘School of Time’ to Milan Design Week. Exhibiting two interactive installations, which will premiere in Milan, Z33 presents its renewed, research-based organization.
Time is out of balance, both on an individual and on a global level. How do we deal with the many conflicts and paradoxes of time? In Z33’s Research Studio Time different artists and projects articulate themes and thoughts in relation to issues such as acceleration and deceleration, deep time, the anthropocene, time and attention, and future thinking. In Milan, Z33 presents a research-based exhibition which will premiere two installations: one developed by Commonplace Studio, Tim Knapen & Jesse Howard and the other one developed by Teis De Greve. Both installations allow you to interact with the ongoing research happening within Studio Time. They enable you to take home or adapt notes, thoughts and ideas, according to your own purposes of learning or just for future inspiration.
Designers & researchers:
Commonplace Studio, Teis De Greve, Jasmine De Bruycker, Jesse Howard, Tim Knapen, Tobias Revell, Virginia Tassinari, Thomson & Craighead, Ive Van Bostraeten, Filip Van Dingenen, Maarten Vanden Eynde